Rad Reading – September

Touching Spirit Bear by: Ben Mikaelsen

During the story the main character Cole beat up people at school and got into a lot of trouble. He kept on doing these bad activity’s and eventually he was faced with the decision to go to jail or to go live in Alaska by himself for 1 year. Eventually he went to a “better person” meeting to try to become a better person and see things from other peoples perspectives after going to these meetings, he kept on trying to be a better person before going on exile to Alaska. Eventually he got sent to his exile it was very hard for him because you have to get your food and survive the cold, and wet climate. His life was very sad and hard because his parents didn’t even want him and just got drunk and didn’t have a thought for him. After a few days of living in Alaska he went searching for food and came across a bear. Cole was used to things being scared by him, but this bear wasn’t scared. Cole pulled out his knife and steeped closer and closer to the bear, the bear wasn’t scared at all, and as Cole stepped closer they eventually got to close and got into a fight.

I liked this book because it kept me at the edge of my chair because there was always something interesting going on in the story which kept on making me want to keep reading the book. I also think the author did a very good job of describing everything that was going on and was very detailed.

My favorite character was Cole because he learned how to live from different perspectives and learn how to learn by himself to become a better person. I also like how he kept persevering through the pain and all the setbacks to keep going, So he is perseverant. “As Cole lay thinking about the sparrows, pain surged back and forth through his body. He felt himself slipping into darkness and blinked hard”. (Pg 80) This shows he is perseverant because no matter the set back he kept going to survive.

My favorite quote in the story is “ Cole felt desperately weak. Fighting to survive, he could stay here a short while longer”. (Pg 78-79) This is my favorite quote in the story because it shows how hard it is to survive in where he is. It also shows that he made it through the dark clouds to the sun. Another reason I like this quote because the detail is very good and so is the way he explains the sentence.

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